
A comic by Dr. Lex (a.k.a. Alexander Thomas)
in the style of geeky classics like User Friendly

Latest strip: 121 – Friday, December 6, 2024

Current story arc: Quantum Hints

Strip 121
Steve: Guys, I have found something that may interest you. You know I have been working on an in-house alternative to ChatWSL in my freewheeling time. When I asked it a phone number for Quantuple, it returned something.
Max: Really? Bring it on.

Max: Strange. Only some static, then disconnected.
Steve: Could be bogus. Wouldn't be the first time an LLM hallucinates information.
Max: It may have thrown together some semi-random things indeed.
Heidi: The number does match the zone of the address…

We see a hand with an intravenous needle strapped to it putting down the receiver of a phone in a dark room.
Voice: Those people are getting pretty nosey. They are onto something. <Cough\> I need to prepare.

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Update schedule: Tuesday and Friday noon CE(S)T.

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