
A comic by Dr. Lex (a.k.a. Alexander Thomas)
in the style of geeky classics like User Friendly

Latest strip: 135 – Friday, January 24, 2025

Current story arc: Lifted

Strip 135
Mr. Quantuple: That's right, I am going to lift myself to a higher existence. I have already uploaded most of my memory, the only thing left is my self-conscience.
Max: Impossible. You are even more insane than I thought!
Heidi: Assuming it will work at all, what is your ultimate goal?

Mr. Quantuple: Of course it will work, I have prepared this for years. I have nothing to lose anyway. Doctors are useless, they have no clue about the illness that ravages me, let alone a cure. My body will not last more than a few months. But, my mind will last pretty much forever.

Zhang: If it works β€” big if, would your mind be duplicated?
Mr. Quantuple: No, the process will be fatal for my biological form.
Zhang: Seems like a fancy way of committing suicide then.
Mr. Quantuple: On the contrary, I will be more alive than ever…

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Update schedule: Tuesday and Friday noon CE(S)T.

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