#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Fcntl qw(:flock); use Encode qw(encode decode); my %fields; # (c) 2001-2024/02 Alexander Thomas # Simple e-mail form script. # This script is free to use. It may not be sold. # Use of this script is at your own risk. There is no guarantee # or liability whatsoever for fitness for any purpose. # # INSTRUCTIONS: # Fill in the correct values in the Parameter section below. # Make a form on your website with method "POST" and as action the # URL of this script on your server. (Of course this script must # have execute permissions.) # You can easily set fixed values for certain fields by making them hidden. # The form can contain the following fields (case sensitive!): # -"from": the e-mail address of the sender # -"sendername": the name of the sender # -"carboncopy" (checkbox): if this is checked, a copy of the message # will be sent to the address in 'from'. # -"subject": subject of the mail # -"nextpage": the page to be loaded after sending the mail. If empty, # the message itself will be displayed instead. # -"message": the message itself. # You can add custom fields by modifying the mail_it subroutine below. ################################################################## # # PARAMETER SECTION # Memo: all @list values must be comma-separated ('like', 'this'); # Your system's e-mail program, typically either /usr/sbin/sendmail or # /usr/lib/sendmail my $MAIL_PROGRAM = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; # The e-mail address to send the mails to. my $RECIPIENT = 'YOUR@E-MAIL.HERE'; # If not empty, will be used as the "From:" address, and the form's "from" field # will be used for "Reply-To:" instead. By using an address from the same domain # as the server this script runs on, you can avoid that mails get filtered out # by mail servers that do not allow mails coming from a different domain than # the From: address. my $SENDFROM = ''; # If not empty, will be forced as Return-Path header. This may help prevent # messages from being marked as suspicious when used in combination with an SPF # DNS record. my $RETURN_PATH = ''; # If set, is where the script can be called from. You'll want to put # your domain name in here so that only you can run this script. # Leave off http:// and anything that may be omitted, like 'www.'. # Use () for no restrictions (not recommended!) my @VALID_DOMAINS = ('YOUR-DOMAIN-HERE.com'); # Put a list here of IPs that should be blocked. You can also omit the # last parts, like '12.34.56.' or even '12.34.' to block domains. my @BLOCKED_IPS = (); # Enter keywords here for user-agents that should be blocked. If any # of these strings is found in HTTP_USER_AGENT, the message is rejected. # Even though this may seem obsolete because most spambots now use fake # identifiers, some still use a fixed string. my @BLOCKED_UAS = ('WebaltBot'); # If you specify any of the following parameters, they must point to either an # existing file that has read & write permissions for the user under which this # script will run, or a yet to be created file in an existing directory with # 'rwx' permissions for that user. # Optional: give the path to a log file to report unusual stuff to. # (Use '' to disable.) my $LOGFILE = ''; # Optional: if not empty, dump the last message sent by one of the BLOCKED_UAS # here, should you be curious what they're trying to send. my $LOGBLOCK = ''; # Optional: give the path to a file where some status info can be stored, to # detect and temporarily block people hammering the 'send' button. my $STATFILE = ''; ################################################################## # # MAIL LAY-OUT # # Makes the message, sends it, and returns what has been sent. # You can tailor this to your own needs, e.g. add headers or markers. # Make sure not to remove essential headers like From, To and Subject, # and make sure the header section ends with \n\n. sub mail_it { my ($fromLine, $replyToLine) = ('', ''); if($SENDFROM) { $fromLine = 'From: '. getMailAddress($SENDFROM, $fields{'sendername'}); $replyToLine = safeHeader('Reply-To: '. getMailAddress($fields{'from'}, $fields{'sendername'})) ."\n"; } else { $fromLine = 'From: '. getMailAddress($fields{'from'}, $fields{'sendername'}); } my $mailHeaders = safeHeader($fromLine) ."\n"; $mailHeaders .= "To: ${RECIPIENT}\n"; if(defined($fields{'carboncopy'}) && $fields{'carboncopy'} eq 'on') { $mailHeaders .= safeHeader('Cc: '. getMailAddress($fields{'from'}, $fields{'sendername'})); } $mailHeaders .= $replyToLine; $mailHeaders .= safeHeader("Subject: $fields{'subject'}") ."\n"; $mailHeaders .= xHeaders(); my $theMail = $mailHeaders ."\n". $fields{'message'} ."\n\n"; sendMail($theMail); return $theMail; } # Output from this method should still be sent through safeHeader, as it may be # based on form input. sub getMailAddress { my ($address, $name) = @_; my $from = ''; $from = $address if defined($address); return $from if(! defined($name) || $name eq ''); $name = encode('MIME-Header', decode('UTF-8', $name)); return "\"${name}\" <${from}>"; } # This is only intended for logging. Use getMailAddress for headers. sub getFromAddress { return safeHeader(getMailAddress($fields{'from'}, $fields{'sendername'})); } sub sendMail { my ($theMail, $noReturnPath) = @_; my $xtra = ''; $xtra = " -f ${RETURN_PATH}" if($RETURN_PATH ne '' && !$noReturnPath); open(MZT, '|-', "${MAIL_PROGRAM} -t${xtra}") || die "Unable to send mail: $^E"; print MZT $theMail; close(MZT); } ################################################################## # You can extend this function to test for a mandatory answer on # a simple question, to thwart spambots. You could also use a # 'mouse trap' field, which must be empty, and reject messages # where this field is not empty. sub test_required { my $testmail = ''; $testmail = $fields{'from'} if(defined $fields{'from'}); if($testmail ne '' && bad_address($testmail)) { $testmail =~ s//>/g; error_exit('Invalid address', "Bad e-mail format: ${testmail}

Press your browser's 'BACK' button to return to the entry form.", '400 Bad Request'); } # Example spambot detection: a 'bait' field called "mail" must be left empty. # if( defined($fields{'mail'}) && $fields{'mail'} ne '' ) { # error_exit("Access denied", "You triggered the spambot detection. If you are human, go back and do not enter anything into fields that must be left empty.", '400 Bad Request'); # } } ################################################################## ##### No user serviceable parts below! ##### ################################################################## # MAIN ########################################################### # This is where the script starts execution from decode_vars(); valid_page(); test_required(); test_spamming(); my $theMail = mail_it(); if($fields{'nextpage'}) { print <<__END__; Status: 307 Temporary Redirect Location: $fields{'nextpage'} __END__ } else { $theMail =~ s/&/&/g; $theMail =~ s//>/g; print_html('Message sent', 'Message sent', "
"); } exit; # SUBROUTINES #################################################### ################################################################## # Decodes form variables into hash %fields sub decode_vars { my $temp = ''; if($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET' || $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'HEAD') { $temp = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } elsif($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') { read(STDIN, $temp, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}) if(defined $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); } else { error_exit('Method Not Allowed', 'What the title says.', '405 Method Not Allowed'); } my @pairs = split(/&/, $temp); foreach my $item (@pairs) { my ($key, $content) = split(/=/, $item, 2); if(! defined $key) { error_exit('Malformed form data', 'Form data is malformed, which most likely means you are a bot. Bots are requested to go to /dev/null.', '400 Bad Request'); } $content = '' if(! defined $content); $content =~ tr/+/ /; $content =~ s/%(..)/pack('U',hex($1))/ge; # We are not interested in typewriter compatibility. $content =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; $fields{$key} = $content; } } ################################################################## # Basic tests on whether access is allowed sub valid_page { my $check = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}; if(@VALID_DOMAINS && $check) { my $referer_ok = 0; foreach my $ref (@VALID_DOMAINS) { $ref = "\Q${ref}\E"; if($check =~ m|https?://([^/]*)$ref|i) { $referer_ok = 1; last; } } if($referer_ok != 1) { error_exit('Access denied', "Sorry! You can't run this script from your server. Please use your own script.
", '403 Forbidden'); } } $check = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; if(@BLOCKED_IPS && $check) { foreach my $ip (@BLOCKED_IPS) { if($check =~ m/^\Q${ip}\E/) { write_log('blocked IP'); error_exit('Access denied', "You are not allowed to send mail because there has been a case of abuse originating from your address. There are two possibilities:
1. Your internet connection uses a shared access point (e.g. proxy server) and an other user of the same network is responsible. In this case we're sorry, but we really can't block users on a finer grain than this.
2. You are the offender. No further explanation necessary.", '403 Forbidden'); } } } $check = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}; if(@BLOCKED_UAS && $check) { my $uaIndex = 0; foreach my $ua (@BLOCKED_UAS) { $uaIndex++; if($check =~ m/\Q${ua}\E/) { write_log("blocked UA: match #${uaIndex}"); if($LOGBLOCK) { open(my $fHandle, '>', $LOGBLOCK) or die "Failed to open '${LOGBLOCK} for writing: $!\n"; print $fHandle "$fields{'subject'}\n\n$fields{'message'}\n" if(flock($fHandle, LOCK_EX)); close($fHandle); } error_exit('Access denied', 'No spambots allowed.', '403 Forbidden'); } } } } ################################################################## # Detect whether the sender is spamming the web form, when they got past # all other protections, which probably means it's a real human acting # like an idiot or hooligan. # Lines are recorded in $STATFILE as: "$IP Spam $lastSentTime $penalty" # (lines not matching this format are ignored). # If an IP sends mail before lastSentTime+penalty, multiply penalty by 2, # show error message, and update $STATFILE. # If an IP sends mail after $lastSentTime+penalty or there was no entry, # reset penalty to 15. # Remove any 'Spam' lines whose $lastSentTime+penalty has expired. sub test_spamming { return if($STATFILE eq ''); my $timeNow = time; my $fHandle; if(-f $STATFILE) { open($fHandle, '+<', $STATFILE) or die "Cannot open '${STATFILE}': $!"; } else { # There's still an abysmally small risk of WaW conflict here, but nobody cares open($fHandle, '+>', $STATFILE) or die "Cannot create '${STATFILE}': $!"; } flock($fHandle, LOCK_EX); my $senderIP = getFullAddress(); my (%ipDataSpam, %ipDataOther); my ($newSentTime, $newPenalty, $youreABadBoy); foreach (<$fHandle>) { chomp; my ($ip, @entry) = split(/ /, $_); next if(! @entry); if($entry[0] ne 'Spam') { $ipDataOther{$ip} = \@entry; next; } my ($lastSentTime, $penalty) = ($entry[1], $entry[2]); # Drop expired entries next if($lastSentTime + $penalty <= $timeNow); if($ip ne $senderIP) { $ipDataSpam{$ip} = [$lastSentTime, $penalty]; next; } ($newSentTime, $newPenalty) = ($lastSentTime, $penalty); } if($newSentTime) { $youreABadBoy = 1; $newPenalty *= 2; } else { $newPenalty = 15; } $newSentTime = $timeNow; $ipDataSpam{$senderIP} = [$newSentTime, $newPenalty]; seek($fHandle, 0, 0); truncate($fHandle, 0); foreach my $key (keys %ipDataSpam) { print $fHandle join(' ', ($key, 'Spam', @{$ipDataSpam{$key}})) ."\n"; } foreach my $key (keys %ipDataOther) { print $fHandle join(' ', ($key, @{$ipDataOther{$key}})) ."\n"; } close($fHandle); if($youreABadBoy) { my $from = getFromAddress(); my $oldPenalty = $newPenalty/2; write_log("antispam: ${senderIP} ${from} (penalty ${oldPenalty})"); error_exit('Patience is a Virtue', "Your message was not sent because you have sent a message or retried less than ${oldPenalty} seconds ago.
\nYou must now wait ${newPenalty} seconds before you can send a new mail.
\nYou can spend this time thinking about whether it really is necessary to send another message (or worse, the same message again).
\nThe penalty time will double each time it is violated.", '429 Too Many Requests'); } } # Attempt to get an identifier as complete as possible. This is unavoidably # dodgy because of NAT/proxy and lack of a standard or even requirement to forward # the internal network address, but it's better to try than to give up. # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/527638/getting-the-client-ip-address-remote-addr-http-x-forwarded-for-what-else-coul sub getFullAddress { my $addr = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; $addr .= '/'.$ENV{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'} if(defined($ENV{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'})); $addr .= '/'.$ENV{'HTTP_CLIENT_IP'} if(defined($ENV{'HTTP_CLIENT_IP'})); $addr .= '/'.$ENV{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED'} if(defined($ENV{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED'})); $addr .= '/'.$ENV{'HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP'} if(defined($ENV{'HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP'})); $addr .= '/'.$ENV{'HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'} if(defined($ENV{'HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'})); $addr .= '/'.$ENV{'HTTP_FORWARDED'} if(defined($ENV{'HTTP_FORWARDED'})); return $addr; } ################################################################## # Returns 0 if the argument seems a valid e-mail address sub bad_address { my ($mailaddr) = @_; return 1 if($mailaddr eq ''); return 1 if($mailaddr =~ /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)/ || $mailaddr =~ / / || $mailaddr !~ /^.+\@(\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/); return 0; } ################################################################## # Return a string that is safe to put in a mail header (e.g. ensure # newlines are followed by a space to thwart attempts at header # injection). Any header constructed from user-submitted text must # be sent through this function! sub safeHeader { my ($line) = @_; # A newline followed by a space is equivalent to a space. By not simply # dropping the newline, failed attempts at header injection remain visible. $line =~ s/\n([^ ])/\n $1/g; # RFC 822 does not define a maximum length, but RFC 5322 limits it to 998 characters. # Actually this limit concerns a single line and not the entire header, but I am too # lazy to implement that. Under no circumstances should any header reach this limit # anyhow when called from the pages on my website. $line = substr($line, 0, 998) if(length($line) > 998); return $line; } ################################################################## # Adds extra optional header fields sub xHeaders { # I trust the address ENV variables to be safe. my $head = "X-Http-Remote-Addr: $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}\n"; if(defined($ENV{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'}) && $ENV{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'} ne '') { $head .= "X-Http-Forwarded-For: $ENV{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'}\n"; } # If you wish, you can add optional hidden 'BrowserType' and 'Referrer' fields to # your web form, and fill these by means of some JavaScript, this may help to # detect and filter out spammers. my $userAgent = "X-Http-User-Agent: $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}"; $userAgent .= "; $fields{'BrowserType'}" if(defined($fields{'BrowserType'}) && $fields{'BrowserType'} ne ''); $head .= safeHeader($userAgent) ."\n"; my $referers = "X-Http-Referer: $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}"; $referers .= "; $fields{'Referrer'}" if(defined($fields{'Referrer'}) && $fields{'Referrer'} ne ''); $head .= safeHeader($referers) ."\n"; return $head; } ################################################################## # Requires three arguments: page title, text title, and page text. # Optional 4th argument is custom HTTP response status (should be # number followed by status message). sub print_html { my ($pTitle, $title, $text, $status) = @_; if($status) { $title = "${status}" if(! $title); print "Status: ${status}\n"; } $title = "


\n" if($title ne ''); print <<__END__; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 ${pTitle} ${title} ${text} __END__ } ################################################################## # Requires two arguments: title and message. # Optional 3rd argument is custom HTTP response status. sub error_exit { my ($title, $errmesg, $status) = @_; print_html('Error', $title, "


", $status); exit; } ################################################################## sub write_log { return if(! $LOGFILE); my $logData = shift; # Open file in append mode. This also creates the file if it doesn't exist. open(my $logFD, '>>', $LOGFILE) || die "Can't open '${LOGFILE}': $^E"; flock($logFD, LOCK_EX); # (test for success intentionally left out) my $date = localtime(); print $logFD "[lexmail] ${date} ${logData}; $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}"; print $logFD " ($ENV{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'})" if($ENV{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'}); my $logAgent = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}; $logAgent = '(agent undefined)' if(! defined $logAgent); $logAgent =~ s/\n/ /g; print $logFD ", ${logAgent}\n"; close($logFD); }