
Dr. Lex' Site (BETA)

Welcome to the Dr. Lex site, providing a diverse collection of things since 1997, ranging from information and software to slightly absurd types of humour.

Old home page screenshot

Other potentially useful pages: the sitemap and the contact page.
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Recent updates

New SONAIS cartoon every Tuesday and Friday noon CE(S)T, normally.

  • You can now get notified about new SONAIS webcomic strips in near-real-time through web push messages.
  • Start of the first long adventure story arc ‘Faceworld’ in the SONAIS webcomic.
  • Most recently updated 3D printable models: slightly better balanced Flexi Rex; adjustable grid origin and better efficiency for Customizable Sieve; optional hole for Customizable Screw Cap; updated separate parts version of Flexi Rex with latest model and added dowels.
  • Added some more delightfully obsolete HP48 calculator things to the random archive.
  • Added a paragraph to the 3D printing retrospective article about the current trend of every manufacturer trying to launch their own Thingiverse clone. (Spoiler: I believe this to be a silly and counterproductive endeavour.)
  • Most recently added 3D printable models: Bicycle Spoke Reflector, Customizable simple spiral vase mode boxes, Hex Twist surface vase, and Rubber Band Gun remix² 5 shots.

ZOMG! What happened to the cool home page?

Long ago, the home page was a big animated clickable image as shown above. It was cool but impractical to maintain, and it would also be awkward on present-day mobile devices. I might make a worthy future-proof replacement (which is why I labelled this page as ‘BETA’), but for now you will have to make do with this spartan design where the above list of down-to-earth text links take you to the topics in which the site is divided.

Search within the Dr. Lex Site (top ‘results’ may be ads):

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